Negotiations with the Omran Geotechnical Company were held in the conference hall of Al-Falah ul Alami Company.

مذاکره با کمپنی عمران جیوتکنیک در تالار جلسات شرکت الفلاح العالمی برگزارگردید.jpg

 The purpose of the negotiation was the assignment of mineral exploration in the mining areas of Jebel Al-Siraj, with the participation of the AlFalah ul Alami (AUA) Company CEO Safiullah Saber, Noorullah Khan, the deputy of Awfi Bahram Company, the personnel teams of AUA, and the technical team of the Omran Geotechnical Company.

First, Safiullah Saber welcomed the guests and participants and emphasized the importance of mineral exploration in the production factories. He added that AUA Company assigns mineral exploration projects to qualified companies through a transparent process, and the Omran Geotechnical Company has been ranked among the top three companies. Currently, we are witnessing negotiations and technical discussions with them.

Then, Mr. Sina Alipour and Mr. Eisa Mohammadi, representatives of the Omran Geotechnical Company, shared information about the company's work experiences and achievements in mineral exploration with the participants. They emphasized that if the exploration is assigned to their company, they are ready to start the work in accordance with the RFP of AUA Company.

Subsequently, the technical teams of the company evaluated and analyzed the technical, human resources, and financial aspects of the proposal presented by the Omran Geotechnical Company according to the agenda, and asked questions that were answered by the representatives of the Omran Geotechnical Company.