Negotiation on mining extraction were held with Mineral Group Company.

مذاکره اکتشاف معادن  با کمپنی منرال گروپ برگزار گردید.JPG

This meeting was attended by representatives from Al-Falah Alami (AUA) Company, the assigned technical team, and the deputy of Awfi Bahram company, in the conference hall of AUA. The purpose of this meeting was to negotiate and analyze the proposal of Mineral Group Company for mine extraction.

Safiullah Saber, the CEO of AUA Company, thanked the participants for their presence and emphasized the accuracy and transparency in the selection process of the proposals for mineral exploration by this company. He further added that quality, speed, and precision in extraction programs are a priority for AUA Company.

Eng. Mahdi, the head of Mineral Group, then presented information about the achievements, experiences, and activities of the company in the field of mining, outlining their work plans in the process of mining through a presentation. Mineral Group Company was established in Afghanistan with the aim of providing technical services in the mining sector and has undertaken various projects in this field in recent years.

During this meeting, technical, human and financial resources committees, shared their findings and thoughts, and asked questions regarding the proposal which were answered by Engineer Mahdi Khalaj.

AUA Company, had announced request for proposal in order to explore mines in the Jabal al-Suraj mineral area, to receive proposal from qualified companies.